Friday, March 24, 2006

Reports from the Conferences, March 23

Sarah Houghton attended The New Branch? What is the Role of the Library Web Site? and wrote a nicely detailed report. She did, however, forget to include that the presenters were Michelle Jeske of the Denver Public Library and Jesse Haro of the Phoenix Public Library. This sounds like a session I would have wanted to attend.

Sarah was also presenter with Laurie Thompson of Creating a Digital Library on a Shoestring. Jessamyn West wrote a report on the PLA Blog. It looks like time and staff are the key ingredients to success.

Beth Gallaway reports on the PLA Blog about Denver Public Library's Wake Up Call to study its demographics and customer service implications. Four members of the DPL staff described their study and implementation of findings.

If seeing photos would give you more of a feel of being there, click here.

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