Friday, March 24, 2006

Conference Reports of March 24, 2006

Here are some more selected CIL2006 and PLA reports for those of us who could not attend..

Andrea Hull, a library student at UCLA, took notes on a program Library Wi-Fi 2006. The first half of the report serves as a good introduction, with some updated information about standards.

Jenica of Thinking Out Loud has a report of a Computers in Libraries presentation The Internet: Enhancing Digital Work and Play, which seems to focus on the expectations of Millenials and how they will seek information.

Back at PLA, Adrienne Furness attended Jon Scieszka's program Guys Read. Her report is short but it gives the clues you need for more research into the topic.

PLA had an interesting presentation by Joe Raiola of Mad Magazine. In the report by Jessamyn West, you learn how Mad skirted the censors and became a magazine instead of a comic book.

Beth Gallaway attended an interesting presentation by David Liroff of WGBH public television Technologial Drivers of Change for the Rest of Us. In her report are many fascinating facts and speculations. Did you know that WGBH started as a public lecture series in the 1830s? Liroff talks a lot about changes in TV and delivery of programming via the web.

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