In Drift, Maddow recounts how our country has veered away from our Founders' idea of citizen soldiers who were only in uniform when our country was at war. Of course, there was never a time when there were absolutely no soldiers, as there were always a few to stand guard in the capitol and to maintain a bit of structure should it be needed. However, the idea of a large standing army was thought a danger to democracy by many in the first two centuries of our nation. Through the bloody 20th century, the idea eroded, taking an especially big hit when Ronald Reagan and his political alliance arranged a massive expansion of our military force and vast spending on weapons at a time when we had actually been without a ground war to fight. So he and his advisers arranged for us to send weapons through Israel to Iran to get money for fighting rebels in Nicaragua - all under the table and off the books. In defense, Reagan touted the superior strength and spending of the Soviet Union, when in truth the communist power was crumbling. His administration was admonished for the illegal activities but never punished. All of the presidential administrations since have interpretted Reagan's success as a nod toward their own bypassing Congress and the American people in extralegal military activities.
Maddow recounts all the subsequent wars to arrive at the present, when we are in a state of perpetual war exhausting our economy and straining our ability to find willing soldiers. It is a time when the CIA has become a branch of the military with missions and budgets that are kept secret even from Congress. There is also a stockpile of atomic weapons that is aging and redundant to maintain; using them is unthinkable. Democracy seems to have no role in the running of the military. It seems that our nation is unredeemably lost in this account, until the epilogue in which Maddow lays out some ideas for reforming the military, making it accountable for its spending and actions - a surprisingly upbeat end to a woe-filled story.
I am left thinking everyone should read Drift (and The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind) and believing that few will. Too many are sedated by reality TV playing constantly in their homes on their big screens, as predicted by Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451.
Maddow, Rachel. Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power. Crown, 2012. 275p. ISBN 9780307460983.
I thought this was one of the most important books which came out last year. In fact, I put it at the top of my "books you should read before you vote" list. I thought it was well balanced (even Fox News' Roger Ailes gave it a thumbs up).
I thought it was balanced, too, but I agreed with the assessment. Everyone who agrees with me is balanced.
I have only read portions of this book - but I find it light on the net benefits of a well funded and capable military. Even if one does take issue with the level of spending;we should not forget successes such as the defeat of the Soviet Union. I would recommended reading ; "Between Threats and War U.S. Discrete Military Operations in the Post-Cold War" it might shed more light on this important topic.
Did we defeat the Soviet Union? The Cold War seems like a war that all sides lost, and that the Soviet Union fell apart from the inside. Pope John Paul II probably did more than anyone else outside the Soviet Union to encourage reform.
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