Sunday, April 05, 2009

How the Proofs Compare with an Elephant

I have not blogged for a few days because I received the proofs for my book, Real Lives Revealed. You can see just how big the package was in the photo. I have been reading them and creating the index. It is going to be another couple of weeks worth of work to complete the tasks.

Without the index, the book is 491pages. There is also an introduction of some 30 pages with Roman numerals. There are about 600 biographies described with recommendations for further reading in the main section. I also identify leading biographers and biographical series, as well as biography awards. I can hardly wait to see the book in print. It will be soon.

I promise to resurface later this month. Enjoy poetry month.

1 comment:

Meredith Farkas said...

Wow! Good luck with that Herculean task! It took me a good while to go through 300 or so pages of proofs for my book but I didn't have to index it too. But it must be exciting to see in an almost-ready-to-be-published form!