It is a good traveling book, easy to carry, memorable to read. Ford hooked me in the first couple of pages. I did not read it in one evening sitting because I needed sleep, but I did pick it up in the morning and again whenever I could through a day and half. I had to hear Joe Brinson's story.
Wildlife is a first person narrative told by sixteen year old Joe whose family has moved to Great Falls, Montana. When his father, a golf instructor, is unjustly fired from the country club, he uncharacteristically decides to join a forest fire fighting team, leaving Joe and his mother alone for several days. His mother reacts badly, and Joe's life seems to unravel.
In his book, Ford suggests that we are all only a couple of stupid decisions away from disaster. The bad moves may not even be our own. Joe is not responsible for any of his bad fortune, and his words and actions are confused, as you would expect from a teen whose home and prospects are threatened. I really wanted his parents to straighten up.
Because Ford does not tell us what to think or really spell out why the characters do what they do, Wildlife would be a good discussion book. I also recommend it to teens.
Ford, Richard. Wildlife. AMP, 1990. ISBN 0871133482
Hi Rick -- I've just become a Facebook fan of Richard Ford and googled to find reviews of Wildlife. In the nineties I came across Wildlife in a bargain bin (99 cents) and read it in a weekend. Like you, I couldn't put it down. Since then I've read all of his books, but it is Wildlife, the Montana story in Women with Men, and the short story "Great Falls" -- all variations of the same tragic, beautiful story -- that that have become part of my emotional life. (PS I'm an academic librarian.)
I still plan to read more Richard Ford. Thanks for the comment. It may help get me there.
Hi there - BBC World Book Club are hosting Richard Ford on the 19th April talking about his book the Sportswriter. Might you have a question for him? We're looking for fans of his work to get involved, and we could arrange for you to put your question to the man himself.
We'd love you to get in touch - email worldbookclub@bbc.co.uk with your question. Or if you're in London, come along to the recording on 19th April at Bush House.
BBC World Book Club
BBC World Service
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