As some people get older, they care less what other people think and say what ever is on their minds. Of course, Kurt Vonnegut has never held his tongue. In A Man without a Country, he is as forthright as ever.
If you think the United Nations Commission on Global Warming is critical of the human impact on the earth, then read A Man without a Country and see that Vonnegut has little hope for us. On page 44 he writes, "We have squandered our planet's resources, including air and water, as though there is no tomorrow, so now there isn't going to be."
Vonnegut criticizes the current administration, the news media, corporations, and religion. He praises socialism, agnosticism, humanism, the Sermon on the Mount, and slower living. He says that humans are addicted to fossil fuel and compares the current wars with drug wars; the generals and politicians are fighting around the world to supply transportation junkies. There are no words of comfort or hope.
From what I have said so far, you might think this is a dreary book. It is not! Vonnegut still cares about the reader. He has written a fun book about the end of humanity.
Vonnegut has said that he will not write again, making A Man without a Country a parting shot. Fans will want to read it, if they have not already. Others will probably condemn this very discussable work.
Vonnegut, Kurt. A Man without a Country. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2005. ISBN 158322713x
One would think he would get a haircut for his cover portrait. ;P
even a librarian is guilty of judging a book by it's cover. what does a haircut have to do with extraordinary writing? KV, you are sorely missed.
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