Friday, October 06, 2006

Use of Google Notebook for Library Selection

At the library we get lots of mail promoting books for sale. I have in the past kept the pieces that most interested me in Princeton files, where they sometimes get lost until I clean up.

There are a few books in series that I might like to order if we have enough money at the end of the year. In an effort to reduce the paper and try to keep the better items findable, I have started a Google Notebook Book Series That I Am Considering. I take the information from the publishers' websites and insert into the notebook. It works fairly well, though I found I had to do some regular cutting and pasting to fill in what would not transfer with the Google Notebook command.

If you make your Google Notebook public (which you do not have to do), there are two versions of the page, yours and the one everyone else sees. In this case, my page, which I can modify at will, looks much better than the public view. As you can see if you clicked the link, the photo showing the book covers is very small. Did you know those were book covers? I can read the titles from my page.

One of the advanges of a Google Notebook is that I can collect my research on a web page that I can access anywhere. Also, I may reduced the collection of flyers and catalogs on my desk.

The service is free at Google Notebook.

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