Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Thinking Beyond Our Own Web Pages

LITA launched its new blog last week, just in time to allow volunteers from the organization to blog the ALA conference in Chicago. It can be found at litablog.org. So far, there are three entries, including one titled "Eric Lease Morgan's Top Technology Trends, 2005."

Morgan's fifth trend is as follows:

5. You can decreasingly expect people to come to your website for content.Instead, explore ways to integrate your content and services into the working environments of your patrons.

I can give evidence to this trend already in a small way. On most days, especially the last couple of weeks, more people read my blog via Bloglines than actually visit this website.

This is not true of my library’s website as yet. Our news feed can be picked up through Bloglines, but our public does not seem to have discovered this. (I know because there is a subscriber count on Bloglines feeds.) We could tell them. They would see all our new content posted to all our pages if they had our feed. I use Bloglines to watch what is added to our library's website.

I did not realize it, but we are starting to integrate into other environments, too. We have placed links to our reference instant messaging onto our local historical society’s website. Perhaps we should put links to our databases onto the village government website. Users would still have to enter their library card numbers. It might increase our service to the community. Maybe there are other ways for us to send our library out onto other websites so we can be found.

Look for book, movie, music, and cyberspace reviews at rickindex.

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